Based in rural Wiltshire, Nadia set up her parent company Advanced TRS UK 7 years ago when her children were young. With a strong interest in health and well-being, Nadia started to explore natural detoxifying products. When her son was struggling with eczema, she felt there was a more natural way to get to the root of the cause rather then using harsh chemical creams.

After a huge improvement in her son’s eczema and improvements in many other areas. The rest of the family experienced the benefits of the detoxifying products and Nadia wanted to share this with others by becoming a UK distributor.

Having enjoyed helping people with their health for many years, Nadia has now set up Advanced Health Shop UK. The extensive healthcare range includes natural supplements, health foods and herbal formulas. All designed to support the body in functioning optimally.

The products are made in the UK under GMP (Good manufacturing practice) and/or ISO standards so are quality assured. The organic range is also Soil association certified.